Obituary: Michael Henry Benton, Resident, Son, Brother

Michael Benton

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One Response to Michael Benton

  1. Natasha Benton says:

    To Michael,
    Its hard to believe your not just a phone call away. You were mire than just a cousin; you were my support, biggest cheerleader when I felt I had no one in my corner! I am so blessed to have had you in my life and i would have traded places in Heartbeat. I miss you and your encouraging words. Your deep conversations that would bring me such comfort and ease. I know your not in any pain. I haven’t deleted any of our text messages because they make me feel close to you. I miss you so much and thank you for always picking up the phone when I needed my family. I remember when I came to America and you and Chris, Greg, your Dad, Mom, and you were so happy to see thus little girl from Russia. You hugged me so tight!!! I will never forget that. Until we meet again. Its see ya later for now. I Love you.
    Your Niece,
    Natasha Benton

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