No Library Book Donations Accepted in August

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So many people have donated books that storage is an issue.

Guidelines for Donating Books Explained

Pacific Palisades residents have been so generous that the Friends of the Library, which organizes slightly-used book sales, is overwhelmed with donated books.

There is NO MORE storage space available, so NO books will be accepted during August.

Residents might check with other local libraries, such as Venice and Brentwood, to see if they are accepting books in August.

The book appears to be in perfect shape . . .

but on the back  a corner of the book was chewed off.

When making a donation, please DO NOT give magazines, textbooks or encyclopedias.

DO NOT give books that are in poor condition with stained pages, broken spines, smell or were wetted, or marked with pen or highlighter.

Instead, place these items in your own L.A. City blue bin for recycling. Last year it cost the Friends of the Library nearly $1,800 to have the items picked up for recycling.

The Friends group is also holding its annual summer writing contest for Palisades youth. Win up to $100 in gift certificates to Diesel Bookstore for penning a short story.

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