New Worship Opportunity in Palisades

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Joe and Cyndi Ramirez have started a new worship opportunity on Sunday evenings at the Lutheran Church. They are pictured with their daughter Katie.

Married Pastors Offer Worship

Alternative on Sunday Evenings

Pacific Palisades residents and pastors, Joe and Cyndi Ramirez, have started a new church service that meets at 5 p.m. on Sundays at the Palisades Lutheran Church, corner of Sunset and El Medio.

The service, which lasts just over an hour, starts with current Christian music and is followed by an inspiring and relevant message.

Joe told Circling the News that he’s responding to the fact that many families have youth sports activities on Sunday mornings and its difficult for them to find time for worship.

“We look for ways to come together as a community in the Palisades and have a positive impact that changes peoples lives for the better,” he and Cyndi said.

Cyndi Schmidt, who was in the entertainment business while attending Palisades Charter High School (graduated in 1994), has been teaching middle school English (and now choir) for 13 years for LAUSD and is pursuing her Master of Divinity at Fuller Theological Seminary. Her preaching encourages others to grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible, and to live a Spirit-led, grace-filled, Christian life.

Joe is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran. After serving, he became CEO of his own company for more than 20 years and earned a master’s degree at Pepperdine University. Currently, he is the business manager at American Legion Post 283 in the Palisades.

In recovery, Joe is passionate about helping and being of service to others who share the same struggle in sobriety. His recovery journey led him into a deeper and more rewarding relationship with God. His preaching is inspiring, rich in the wisdom gained through life experience and focuses on applying God’s Word to our lives.

The Ramirez’s have been married for 14 years and have a seven-year-old daughter, Katie, and two cats, Silky and Sonny.





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