Naturella Is Closing

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(Left) Owner Nicky Elghanian and employee Rena call their customers friends.

Naturella, a beauty and cosmetic store (and more) at 15220 Sunset, is closing. The store owned by Nicky Elghanian has been a mainstay in Pacific Palisades for more than 30 years (it would have been 31 years in June, which is when her lease is up).

“It was an economic decision, or I would have stayed,100 percent,” Elghanian said.  But, “I had no choice.”

She said that after Covid the store had lost so many customers because people had become accustomed to shopping online. “Mom-and-pop shops can’t compete with Amazon prices,” she said. “The rents in this town are astronomical.”

Another store in town had told CTN that customers would come into the store, look at a product and then pull out a phone and order it online.

Elghanian was asked if that had been her experience, too. “Yes,” she said, and warned that if residents want to continue to have stores to go and just look – and then shop, they need to support their local businesses.

Her store for many was more than a place to pick up skincare products. “Our customers are fantastic,” she said. “People would come in and chat.”

Tears rolled down her cheek as she talked about closing the store. “Everyone is extremely sad.”

Whenever this editor needed a special shampoo, or a gift or a stocking stuffer, I could make a last-minute dash into the store and find something from hair ornaments to men’s toiletries to candles.

Elghanian’s associates Rena and Theresa, who have been at the store for more than 17 years, were always helpful going above and beyond to help customers. “We have a relationship with the people here,” Elghanian said, “they are all friends.”

For now, all items are 20 percent off and that includes SkinCeuticals, slippers, shampoos, candles, brushes, blow dryers and even pet clothes. Elghanian is also carrying gift items for Christmas.

By the end of January, she expects most of the stock to be gone. “I’m sad to go,” Elghanian said. “I wished something would have worked out.”

Naturella has holiday items on sale.

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2 Responses to Naturella Is Closing

  1. Marge Gold says:

    What a loss.

  2. Rebecca Hernández says:

    I loved your store. Teresa was so nice. I wanted to stop in the Sunday before the fire ñ, but it was late. I saw the sign about the closing and I was heartbroken. I wish you the best. Please tell Teresa her customer, Lydia Rebecca Hernandez will miss her. I use a walker and I’m 65, Mexican American woman. She might not remember my nam, but possibly these details.

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