Question: Was Councilman Bonin’s office impartial in the City’s approval of the controversial eldercare facility in the Highlands?
The numbers were against the project. In the Department of City Planning’s January 2018 Letter of Determination approving the facility, 26 letters supported the project, with 124 emails and letters opposing the project. Two petitions against the project were also presented, one with 150 signatures and a second online petition with 483 signatures. (By the time the project went before the Coastal Commission, there were 1,430 signatures on the online petition and 170 hard signatures.)
On April 19, Krista Kline (Bonin’s director of land use and planning) sent an email to developer Rony Shram, cc’ing Nguyen.
“Hello Rony! I’m so glad it worked out yesterday. Len did a fantastic job on our end (And he was giving me the play-by-play via text throughout the hearing!) I guess this proves (once again), that you don’t mess with the seniors. ha. Krista”
Shram replied, “Just wanted to thank you both for all your help with the eldercare project and the preparation for last night’s hearing. I am so grateful for the support we received from you personally as well as the CD 11 office. Great job with the presentation.”
Nguyen replied, “. . .I look forward to the groundbreaking.”
Answer: It appears the Councilman was not impartial.

Lori Loughlin’s daughter is friends with Rick Caruso’s daughter. Both are social media influencers and this photo comes from an instagram post.
Question: What was Operation Varsity Blues?
Parents who were worried about their kids actually getting into the “right” college paid Rick Singer to have someone take the student’s SATs or use the “side door” by claiming that a student was a talented athlete in a non-major sport such as crew.
Actress Lori Loughlin, one of the indicted parents, allegedly helped her daughter gain entrance into the University of Southern California by paying $500,000 to a corrupt “facilitator.” Her daughter is friends with Rick and Tina Caruso’s daughter. Both women are freshman at USC and belong to the same sorority. They are also considered social media influencers and have thousands of followers.
USC is on spring break and the girls were on a cruise in the Bahamas on Caruso’s 216-ft. yacht Invictus, which can accommodate 12 guests and 19 crew members.
When the news broke on March 13 about Loughlin, her daughter left the yacht the next day. And Rick Caruso, owner of the Palisades Village mall, said in a statement, “Once we became aware of the investigation, the young woman decided it would be in her best interest to return home.”
Answer: Parents need to relax, there is no “right” college. The school your kid actually qualifies for and selects is the one that will be best for them.
Question: When did Vintage Grocers close in Palisades Village?
Answer: It closed Friday, March 15, and was later replaced by Erewhon. Meanwhile, Rachel Zoe, a clothing store in Caruso’s Village, closed on March 24.