Robert Abernethy, an NBC correspondent and a Palisades resident, suggested that a Citizen’s Council be formed in 1971 to “protect Pacific Palisades from outsider interests and act as an ‘enabler’ to local volunteer service groups.”
In 1973, the Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC) was officially organized, and Abernathy was the first chair.
In 2000, Harry Sondehim, who had served as a chair, said “Abernethy proposed having a group of citizens come together to communicate, deal with government, and consider which projects going forward need help.”
This community council was the model for the current Los Angeles Neighborhood Council system.
Now, residents, it is your chance to make a difference in your neighborhood and to have a voice about the direction this community will go the next two years.
The PPCC is still looking for candidates to jump into the race for the Area and At-Large election coming up this summer. Voting will be held from August 19 to September 2.
PPCC Area Reps are elected from their neighborhoods (“Areas” – see maps: click here) to represent the interests of the Area in community-wide discussions of matters that impact the Palisades.
There are eight areas, or neighborhoods, and one “At-large” seat which represents constituents from all areas.
PPCC Chair Maryam Zar said that currently “each area, except one, has a candidate running at the moment, but we would love to see more participation and ask everyone to consider throwing their hat in the ring!”
To enter the race, simply send a 200-word (or less) statement and a photograph to, no later than 5 p.m. on Thursday, July 28. Visit: click here.