Lieutenant Colonel Jim Cragg (retired) took questions from Corpus Christi students.
Two local veterans, past Ronald Reagan Post 283 Commander Jim Cragg, and Post member Ranee Rubio, spoke to elementary and middle school students at Corpus Christi on November 9, prior to Veterans Day, which will be held on Monday, November 11.
Lieutenant Colonel Jim Cragg (retired) is heading a “kickoff” of an Alumni Ambassadors Campaign for the American Legion Nationwide.
“Americans have heard the story of the ‘broken Veteran’ for so long that young people associate Veterans with combat trauma, and we need to fix that,” Cragg said. “We need to show the population that Veterans are leaders, team players, and strong members of our communities.”
He said the intention of the Ambassador Campaign “is to encourage Veterans across the country to engage with young people and show them what makes Veterans special in American society.”
Cragg has prepared a presentation, “Who Are Military Veterans?” which is also available for other schools in the area.
He asked if students knew the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day, and then explained that “Memorial Day is a time to remember those who gave their lives for our country, particularly in battle or from wounds they suffered in battle,” and “Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace – dead or alive- although it’s largely intended to thank living veterans for their sacrifices.”
Rubio and Cragg explained that when they were younger, they studied in school, participated in extracurricular activities, made friends and dreamt about the future.
Cragg said the decision to join the military is varied. For some, it is the chance to give back to this country for all the freedoms they had while growing up.
For others, it’s a chance to travel and learn about other cultures, make lifelong friends and learn new skills. Yet, other veterans take advantage of higher education/college, which is paid for by the government.
The different branches of the military include Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard and enlistees can choose from several career options, such as military intelligence, engineer, doctor, food service, cyber systems musician, mechanic, drone pilot, photographer, public affairs, pharmacist and communications.
Space Force was established in December 2019 and was the first new branch of the armed services in 73 years. With the Air Force, it is part of the Department of the Air Force. The Space Force Guardians organize, train and equip personnel in order to protect U.S. and allied interests in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint forces.
Cragg also spoke about the National Guard, which is a group of military members that serve on a part-time basis. Every state and territory has a National Guard. Those members, under the state governor’s command, usually respond to domestic emergencies like natural disasters.
Cragg and Rubio told the students that Veterans share the following core values: 1) loyalty to the U.S. Constitution, one’s unit and other service members, 2) duty to fulfill one’s obligations, 3) respect, 4) selfless service (put the welfare of the Nation, the unit and one’s subordinates before your own), 5) honor, 6) integrity, and 7) personal courage (face fear, danger or adversity, whether physical or moral).
WONDERFUL!! It is important for our youth to know about all Veterans and their sacrifices, jobs, opportunities and conduct
Thank you, American Legion Post 283 for all that you do.