Ruth Kahn (Yellow) gave a check to Fire Station 23 Captain David Sanders (left).
Other auxiliary members attending were (left to right) Sue Pascoe, Ruta Finestone, Lorraine Holt, Gina Jakel, Arlene Vaillancourt, Sally Agrusa and Stephanie Hubsch.
The Ronald Reagan Post 283 Auxiliary presented Pacific Palisades two local fire stations with grocery gift cards to defray the expanse of this year’s Thanksgiving dinner.
Many may not realize that firefighters must pay for their own meals while on duty at the station – including Thanksgiving.
One Auxiliary member voiced the thoughts of the group, “it just doesn’t seem fair that not only do firefighters have to work on the holiday, but then they have to pay for their meals, too.”
The first stop for auxiliary members was Los Angles Fire Station 23, where Captain of the A-shift, David Sanders was grateful for the gift card to Vons. Working on Thanksgiving will be the B-shift led by Captain Ceasar Garcia. (The C-shift Captain is Doug Nuttman.)
Auxiliary President Ruth Kahn told Sanders “With this card, we’re showing our gratitude for everything you do for the community.”
Members of the auxiliary, who lived in the Palisades Highlands were particularly appreciative of the rapid response to the brush fire on November 13. It took about an hour for more than “60 firefighters on scene to stop forward progress. The precisely targeted, rapid water drops from LAFD Air Operations combined with the firefighter’s aggressive fire attack on the ground held the fire to approximately one acre (revised from initial size).”
One auxiliary member asked the firefighter if water had been used from the reservoir, and he explained that LAFD and County don’t do “bucket dips,” which is a federal operation. Instead, they set up a pad near the reservoir and there is a hydrant at the site. Helicopters land on the pad and it takes about two minutes to fill them up.
During the visit, firefighters insisted Kahn “dress-up” and be an “unofficial firefighter” for the check presentation.
Next, auxiliary members went to Station 69 and arrived just as the firefighters were sitting down for lunch. A-shift Captains Jeff Brown and Brian Massour welcomed the group. On Thanksgiving, the B-shift will be working under Captains Thomas Kitahata and Nathan Bordosky. (The C-shift captains are Eric Nakamary and Michael McIndoe.)
Auxiliary members toured the station before Kahn presented a gift card to Captain Brown.
“We’re happy to serve the community of the Palisades,” Brown said. “It’s nice to work in such a respectful area.”
Kahn told Brown, “We’re thankful for all you do. This is a card to Ralphs to help defray the Thanksgiving dinner expense.”
Brown told her, “We’re very grateful for the donation, and it’s much appreciated. He then received hugs of appreciation from auxiliary members.
Last year, McIndoe told the auxiliary at the check presentation, “We do get a little homesick when we have to work on the holidays, but we usually have family stop by for a bit.
“We work with each other for so much of our lives that we really are a family at the station,” McIndoe said.
As one celebrates this holiday, Auxiliary members ask you to remember those who are working at various jobs, and those who are on duty, and give them special thanks.