Local Library Offers Two Events: Writing a Novel and Baby Storytime

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Author Anne Louise Bannon will help beginning writers with “Ideas to Story.”

National Novel Writing Month Celebrated:

The Los Angeles Public Library is sponsoring Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) with a series of programs in October and November.

Funded by the Friends of the Library, every Palisadian who is writing a novel or considering writing a novel is invited for a series of workshops to help with the process.

“Ideas to Story” will be presented at 3 p.m.  on October 29, at the library, 861 Alma Real Drive with writer Anne Louise Bannon.

Bannon, who was a TV critic for more than 15 years, founded the YourFamilyViewer blog, and created the OddBallGrape.com wine education blog with my her husband Michael Holland, has authored numerous books.

She is the co-author of Howdunit: Book of Poisons, with Serita Stevens, as well as author of the Freddie and Kathy mystery series, set in the 1920s,  the Operation Quickline series and the Old Los Angeles series, set in the 1870s.

Bannon, the author of “Death of the Chinese Field Hands,” “Blood Red” and “Rage Issues” will lead participants in the process of turning ideas into a story.

After people have worked on “ideas,” the next library program will be “Outlining” at 3 p.m. on Saturday, November 5.

A write-in will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8 via zoom (email: palsds@lapl.org for the link).

On Saturday, November 12 at 3 p.m. an in-person writing event will be held.

Baby and Toddler Storytime:

The next Baby and Toddler Storytime is at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday, November 2. Lap-sit (or not!) storytime is for babies and toddlers and their grown-ups to all share together. One child, one lap, please.

This program is for children ages 36 months and under, accompanied by a grown-up. Due to the structure of this storytime, please show courtesy by being on time.

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