This man was motionless in Tongva Park. It was hard to determine if he was still breathing or whether 911 needed to be called.
(Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to L.A. County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath and cc’d to Circling the News. It regards the policy of Harm Reduction, in which needles are given to drug users. April 30, CTN reported on Harm Reduction click here and Horvath’s viewpoint about the program click here.)
Supervisor Horvath,
The free needles and glass pipes component of Barbara Ferrer’s outdoor “Harm Reduction” program is failing.
You have NOT visited Santa Monica’s Downtown Parks, and as a woman on your own, would dare not venture into the grassy areas of the parks without your security detail. As a renter yourself, you have to feel sympathy and pity for the 71% of Santa Monica’s residents who live in apartments and now, after many years, cannot use the grassy areas of Santa Monica’s parks as their “backyards.”
Now parks are unsafe for everyone, especially children, nearby students, seniors and tourists. City employees, residents and tourists have been injured. You know there are no stats that show the program is working, so come walk with us and see for yourself the conditions on the ground.
John Alle with the Santa Monica Coalition
Excellent letter. Tragic scenario.
Some geniuses appear to have elected politicians that have absolutely no regard and low standards for the quality of life of their constituents.
Lindsey Horwath is more concerned about building out a HUGE County government at the County where we will have additional Supervisors and a County CEO with big salaries and fat pensions and exactly zero cops in the Palisades to keep the peace. While working LASD officers, literally to death.
I think it’s time we come together as a society and discuss what kind of life we want for our families and vet candidates for office very carefully. Or else we get the daily tragedies we currently experience — rampant lawlessness, unregulated public spaces,, sewage in our oceans, burglars in our homes, homeless dying on our streets, nonexistent cops, and pure, undiluted government incompetence.