Letter: Good Job of Beautification

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I would like to offer some positive praise to the beautification, which has occurred recently along the upper section of Temescal Canyon Road.

Kudos to Theatre Palisades for beginning work to clean up the overgrown, weed-filled area next to the theatre, just below the mural.  It had become a real eyesore and detracted from that stretch of Temescal Canyon Road, across from Pali High.

The in-process project not only cleaned up the weeds and had debris cleared away, but new plants are being put in. I walk my dog along that section of the sidewalk often, and really appreciate this effort.  I look forward to seeing it develop as the new plants grow.

Hopefully, the weeds and grass growing up thru the sidewalk below this area can be addressed at some point too; and… the retaining wall section next to the sidewalk and all its peeling paint given some care and a re-fresh as well.

Jeff Ridgway

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