The playground’s sole shade, a tree, fell over in November, kids had fun crawling in the branches.
A March 13 story “New Playground Desperately Needed at Palisades Recreation Center,” elicited a letter from a long-time Pacific Palisades resident Barbara Kohn, who wrote:
Residents should check with the City as to the amount of Prop K Funds that are available and if any are left.
That is a line item on all property tax bills and Palisades residents pay yearly into the fund.
When I was not reappointed several years ago after serving for 15 years, our City Councilperson did not appoint a RVNOC (regional volunteer neighborhood oversight committee) representative for CD 11 North.
We, therefore, did not have representation at the city RVNOC meetings. It is possible funds are not available, but it is worth checking.
When I last served, a line item of $100,000 was left for the Palisades Parks — it may have been spent to repair a sidewalk or purchase a picnic table on Temescal, but I was not sent details after he (Bonin) did not reappoint me (without informing me via a phone call or email).
(Editor’s note: Kohn had initially been appointed by Councilmember Bill Rosendahl and then stayed on during Councilman Mike Bonin’s tenure, until two or three years ago, when she was not reappointed. CTN reached out to Bonin’s District Director Noah Fleishman on March 15 to find the name of Kohn’s replacement but have not heard. If we receive a name, the story will be updated.
Prop K, according to the Bureau of Engineering website generates $25 million each year in funds for acquisition, improvement, construction and maintenance of City parks, recreation facilities and other projects. It passed in November 1996 and is a 30-year annual real property tax assessment.
Kohn has served as the Pacific Palisades Community Council President and as the president of the Pacific Palisades Resident Association. She also serves on the Design Review Board and is the Pacific Palisades Historical Society President.)