Legion’s Ham Radio Club Seeks Members

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The Ronald Reagan Palisades Post 283 Amateur Radio Club (aka Ham Radio Club) is open to all Legionnaires, Sons of the American Legion and Auxiliary members.

The Ham Radio Club, which has the license (KI6IRL), has recently updated its HF, UHF and VHF radio equipment. The American Legion National Office maintains The American Legion Armateur Radio Club (“TALARC”), providing services to all interested Legion members.

Post 283 continues to invest in the radio room, equipment and, most impactfully, the antenna farm maintained on its La Cruz property.

The Ham Radio Club is working to grow membership for unlicensed and FCC licensed American Legion members with technical expertise and an interest in getting on the air to help promote club activities including emergency preparedness, DXing, general radio work and public service.

There are several active licensed members, and the club is soliciting interested members with or without FCC Ham radio licenses.

For those of you without a license and interested in obtaining one, club members say it is easy with a little study and taking a 35-question multiple choice test. A passing score is 27 correct questions.

A formal club is being organized. Please contact Gerald Wells via email: geraldwellsinla@gmail.com.

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