The winner of the national seventh grade essay contest on freedom is from Martin, S.D. , a town of less than 1,000 people.
The American Legion Auxiliary annually sponsors an Americanism essay contest. While visiting in South Dakota, this editor learned of a local youth who won the National Essay Contest for his essay on Freedom. It seemed appropriate to run it for Veterans Day.
What Does Freedom Mean to Me?
By Kesler Brunsch
In America, we have a luxury some people don’t get. And it’s really special. That special thing is called freedom. And to a lot of people, that is something they can only dream about. Freedom lets us take our life into our own hands. It’s really great, and I love it. But what is it? What does it mean to be free?
Well for a lot of different people, in different places, for different reasons, freedom had a different meaning. For some people it’s the freedom to buy and sell things to make a profit. To another, it’s the ability to speak out about what they believe is right and wrong. To someone else, it can mean to get an education and improve their quality of life. Everyone had a different idea of freedom and that’s okay, because with freedom, there is no wrong or right answer.
To me, freedom is the ability to change, and in American, change is important.
Freedom is important. America itself was built upon the idea of freedom. Because when people are leashed and controlled, they become obedient robots to the system, and on one ever grows or improves or changes. But when people are unleashed they are set free.
They begin to grow, learn and expand their horizons and create something amazing, and that thing is – America.
That is why America is so special. It has people from all over the world coming together to create the greatest country on Earth. Sadly, this causes some people to want to take our freedom and have it for themselves, so it has to be protected, and it is. The people who protect it are our friends, family, and people we care about. Except they care about us so much that they fight for us and some of them die. Others are hurt and scarred physically and mentally forever. That is why they deserve to be respected and honored at the very least, because without them, we wouldn’t have freedom
America is an amazing place on earth that allows us to be free. Freedom had a different meaning for everyone and that’s okay. I love being free because it lets me be myself. The reason I have freedom is because of the people who fight for our freedom and I thank them for that. Thank you.
(Kessler in the local paper, the Martin Booster, said that he likes art, drawing, playing guitar, riding his bike and helping is dad out at the ranch. He is 13 and in the seventh grade.)
About the Contest:
Students (grades 3 to 12) explore the fundamental rights and freedoms citizens enjoy today. Each year’s contest has a different theme; one student in each category per division is awarded a prize. There is a category for students with special needs. On the national level, winners receive $50 and a $50 donation in the student’s name will be made to the Children of Warriors National Presidents’ Scholarship fund.
There are six classes: grades 3 and 4 (150-250 words), grades 5 and 6 (250-300 words), grades 7 and 8 (350-400 words), grades 9 and 10 (450-500 words) and grades 11 and 12 (450-500 words). Students with special needs, the essay should correspond to the student’s grade level.click here.
This year’s theme is “What doe America the Beautiful meant to me (regarding veterans and our military)?” Contact Post 283 Auxiliary President Ruth Kahn to see what the deadlines are this year for Unit 283 ruth17140@gmail.com
FABULOUS!!! ” Home of the Free because of the Brave.”
Thank you Veterans.