Cub Scouts send kites to the skies after cleaning up a portion of Will Rogers State Beach.
Cub Scouts Combine Duty/Fun
About 25 Cub Scouts and their families went to Will Rogers State Beach on Saturday morning, February 9 to clean litter off the beach. Because of this year’s excessive rainfall, the Scouts hoped to prevent trash from entering the ocean before the next rain storm.
After a section of the beach, near Temescal Canyon Road was cleaned, the Cub Scouts held a kite derby.
Boys competed to see who could fly a kite the highest.
According to Nancy Niles, whose grandson Joey is in Pack 223, “The rain held off and the clouds were a beautiful back drop for the many colorful kites.
“With the wind just about perfect all of the kites were launched successfully with a few soaring to impressive heights,” she said and noted, “Walkers and bikers along the path stopped to enjoy the sight and captured the derby with photos.”
Cub Pack 223 has about 100 cub scouts in the group and they meet regularly for fun and community-minded activities.