Jessica Rogers, a recall Bonin 2022 Neighborhood Lead and Volunteer, made a film applauding Councilman Mike Bonin’s for his admission of depression/mental illness. Rogers noted that this is a topic that needs to be recognized in Los Angeles.
On January 26, in a video message, Councilman Mike Bonin announced that he wouldn’t seek reelection for a third time. He said that the past few years have taken a toll, physically, mentally and emotionally, and he’s decided to focus on health and his family. “I need to listen to my heart,” he said. (visit: Video of Bonin )
You left out the important part. She called for Bonin’s immediate resignation.
Very well said, Jessica! Thank you, Sue, for including this. I did a little jog when I learned from your publication that Bonin had stepped down from the upcoming race. I applaud Jessica and her understanding that mental health issues are present in all of our lives-not just with the homeless population. I hope that Bonin indeed does step down immediately. Again, thank you Sue for your tireless work!
After reading Mike Bonin’s statement on his serious health issues and the impact they are having on his life, I would expect him to resign now and address them for his and his constituents well being … rather than stay in office until June.
Mike Bonin has spoken about his mental health issues before. I wish he wouldn’t have attempted to run for a 3rd term when he and his husband knew he couldn’t handle the job any longer. Stepping back sooner would have saved Westside communities a lot of turmoil the past year. I wish Mike and his family a peaceful future.
Thanks to Jessica Rogers for her video message. Well done.