How Do You Save a Life?

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Dr. Mike Martini at the Optimist Club breakfast meeting asked people to sign up for the blood drive.

A Pint at a Time on August 25

        Optimist Dr. Mike Martini is once again helping to organize a community blood drive, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, August 25, at the Corpus Christi Catholic Church gym, 800 Toyopa Dr.

        All types are sought … and we are talking A, B and O.

        According to Advancing Transfusion and Cellular Therapies, “In one hour’s time, a person can donate one unit of blood that can be separated into four individual components that could help save multiple lives.

        “From one unit of blood, red blood cells can be extracted for use in trauma or surgical patients. Plasma, the liquid part of blood, is administered to patients with clotting problems. The third component of blood, platelets, clot the blood when cuts or other open wounds occur, and are often used in cancer and transplant patients. Cryoprecipitated anti-hemophilic factor (AHF) is also used for clotting factors.”

        On a nice summer day, do you have an hour to give that might save a life? To make an appointment, visit and enter the sponsor code: Corpus Christi or

       Amazon is giving donors a $5 gift card.

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2 Responses to How Do You Save a Life?

  1. Reeve Chudd says:


    Thanks for all you do. I made a donation and signed up to give blood.

  2. Sue says:


    You’re the best!


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