Henry Isola won first place in the decorating contest for Kids on Bikes, sponsored by the Yogurt Shoppe store.
The Yogurt Shoppe Announces the Gift Card Winners
One of the most enjoyable entries in the Pacific Palisades Fourth of July parade is the Kids on Bikes brigade. Young kids with decorated bikes and scooters ride the parade route.
The Yogurt Shoppe co-owners Jennifer and Kevin Sabin have sponsored this parade entry for the past nine years.
In an earlier story for the official parade program, Sabin said, “We really enjoy sponsoring the bike-decorating contest and it is wonderful to see how excited the community and local youth get about this entry in the parade.”
Judging takes place on July 3, the afternoon before the parade, when kids bring their decorated bikes/scooters to the yogurt store on Swarthmore Judges take notes and photograph each entry.
After everyone leaves, judges confer, usually taking several hours before the final decision is made.
This year’s winner was Henry Isola, 7, a second grader at Calvary Christian School, who not only decorated his bike, but a trailer, too, which he towed during the parade. He received a $75 gift card to The Yogurt Shoppe, which can be used at either the shop at 873 Swarthmore or at 11726 Barrington Ct. in Brentwood Village.
Second place went to Temple Hoerner, 9, who designed and constructed a cardboard eagle, which he towed during parade. He received a $50 gift card.
Taking third place and receiving a $25 gift card was the patriotic Martin family, with Chris, April, Jameson, 4, and Annabelle, 2.
Runners-up received a $10 gift card. They included Palisades Elementary first grader James Demico for his bike, Gwen and Elle Royce, pre-kindergarten and first graders at St. Matthew’s, for their scooters.
“The judging wasn’t easy this year,” said owner Kevin Sabin, who explained how the contestants had spent so much time on decorations and all of the bikes looked patriotic and festive.
In addition to working with the Palisades Americanism Parade Association (PAPA), Sabin also donates 15 percent of sales from 5 to 7 p.m. to local nonprofits. Since their store opened on Swarthmore in 2011, and the second yogurt store in Brentwood in 2016, the Sabins have donated more than $80,000 back to the community during their yogurt “happy hour.”
Visit: theyogurtshoppe.com