This was the eucalyptus tree at the corner of Sunset and Los Leones before trimming.
Castellammare resident Kelly Comras, a veteran landscape architect, has long been concerned about the giant eucalyptus on Sunset by Fire Station 23, just north of PCH.
“Over the last decade, the tree had become a serious hazard,” Comras told Circling the News. “Overloaded branches blocked the signal at the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Los Leones, and large branches had begun dropping without warning in the last few months.”
She contacted Noah Fleishman, Council District 11 District Director, and reached out to L.A. Street Tree Superintendent Stephen Du Prey and Tree Surgeon Supervisor Aron Hernandez.
Du Prey and Hernandez agreed with Comras’ assessment that a trimming was needed, and on Saturday, August 27, a crew from the Urban Forestry Division came out.
Six workers trimmed the eucalyptus and cut and cleaned the debris from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Comras reported. Five trucks, including a cherry picker and a full-size chipper, were onsite. The tree material filled a flatbed truck.
Resident Marcia Vogler said, “Thank you for getting this done! It is another example of the good that can be accomplished when we collaborate. This work contributes to the safety of so many people, and residents of Castellammare are very appreciative.”
David Card, past Community Council president and chair of the Palisades Forestry Committee said, “Great job to all who worked on this big prune. So much safer – and healthier for the tree, too. Thank you all.”
Comras also thanked members of the Palisades Forestry Committee for their support.

Eight hours later, this was the eucalyptus tree after trimming.
(Front in black) Kelly Comras and David R. Cohen, Captain, Los Angeles Fire Department, FS 23. and Aron Hernandez: Left to right: Alex Alcaraz, Miguel Barajas; Pablo Sanchez; Ernesto Sepulveda; Brian Cazares; Rolando Soto;