The Pacific Palisades Garden Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 4 and feature speaker Pat Lesnansky.
Lesnansky, a member of the Culver City Gesneriad Society, will speak on “What Is New in the Gesneriad World and How to Grow Them.” Some of these plants include African violets, begonias, gloxinia and namatanthus, out of more than 3,000 species in this family.
The plants are tropical to sub-tropical and make excellent indoor house plants. Some of them are sensitive to lighting, soil and even water temperature and type.
Lenasky will share her expertise in growing these colorful additions to any household.
I have said it before and I will say it again in light of the recent Fire in the lower Highlands that threatened the west edge of Marquez – building an Elder Care facility in the Highlands is asking for trouble. The suddenness and swiftness of fire in brush-heavy mountain area (Camp) one south exit only, the huge backup of cars as people flee the area, the obvious fire trucks and rescue vehicles trying to evacuate the disabled and the facility care personnel – is ANYONE really THINKING here??? I’ve been evacuated several times No. Bundy Drive 1944; the Bel Aire fire; (voluntary last week) and the potential disaster-a nightmare waiting to happen.