These young students were winners in the 2018 writing contest in their age group. Actors Bill Jones and Christine Kludjian read the students’ stories.
Youth Summer Writing Contest, Grades 1-12
The annual summer writing contest, sponsored by the Friends of the Palisades Library, is underway.
The contest is open to children and teens entering grades 1-12. This year’s theme is “Palisades Tales: From the Mountains to the Sea.”
Stories can be fiction or nonfiction but must be set in Pacific Palisades. Contestants are limited to one entry, not to exceed three pages (double spaced), typed in 12-size font. Use 8 x 11-inch white paper, onside only. Number the pages.
Typed entries are preferred, but handwritten entries by younger contestants are acceptable. Sounded out but misspelled words are acceptable for younger children and entries that an adult has clearly written will be disqualified.
Categories are: Scribblers (Grades 1-2), Jotters (Grades 3-4), Scrawlers (Grades 5-6), Scribes (Grades 7-8) and Authors (High School). Three winners will be selected in each of the five categories:
1st place – $100 gift certificate to Diesel Books
2nd place – $50 gift certificate to Diesel Books
3rd place – $25 gift certificate to Diesel Books
The deadline for entries is September 3 and the rules and entry forms are available at: friendsofpalilibrary.org.
There will be an awards ceremony in the Palisades Library community room in the fall, when actors Bill Jones and Christine Kludjian once again add their dramatic talents to the award-winning stories, making the words come alive.