This house on Kagawa, which won the home decorating contest one year, always has a flag out for the Fourth of July. All residents are urged to fly a flag on the 4th.
Photo: Morgan Genser
Fly your U.S. Flag on Flag Day, June 14, and on the Fourth of July.
Even if you don’t always approve of everything our government does, you have the right to vote to make changes – and the freedom to voice your approval/disapproval of the government.
What? You don’t have a flag?
The American Legion Auxiliary is here to help.
On Sunday, June 12, from 9 to noon, members will be at the Village Green, giving away free flags. Stop by the farmers market pick up your vegetables, and then afterwards walk to the Green and secure a flag.
Resident Rob Weber, who for years helped with the Home Decorating Contest, used to drive with realtor Joan Sather (now deceased), up and down the streets, bemoaning the fact that there were so few flags flying for the national holiday. “Wouldn’t it be nice if every house at least had a flag out?” he said.
Outgoing Auxiliary President Sue Pascoe, who has also written about that home decorating contest for several publications, listened to Weber’s lament.
This year, the auxiliary is trying to help residents who may not have a flag or are unsure where they can purchase one.
Incoming Auxiliary President Gina Jakel is even taking it an extra step and delivering to two of her neighbors. “There are two shut-in ladies on my block that would like one,” she said. “I remember how badly my mom wanted a flag.”
Even if a resident does not want to decorate the house on July 4, stop by, so you can fly a flag. Or if you can’t stop by, contact Deloris at the American Legion and auxiliary members will try to see you have a flag. (310) 454-0527.
I always thought Flag Day was observed on June 14, not June 16
Robert–you’re absolutely right–thanks for catching the mistake.
I proudly fly my USA flag every day. Out in the morning, in before sundown. A few of my neighbors do the same. Not just the traditional holidays, but every day in honor of our men and women of the military, past and present. Remember, when you fly the American flag against a wall or background, the field of stars always goes to the left. The American Legion has a list of ‘how to’ display. Please display our country’s flag proudly and often.
sr and stripes.