Pacific Palisades Street Repair: The Basics
The signs went up on Temescal Canyon Road that there would be major street resurfacing done starting June 6, and for motorists to expect delays.
I sent a quick query to Councilman Bonin’s Field Deputy Lisa Cahill to ask why they were finally resurfacing a road during the days of Palisades High School’s graduation (June 7) and Paul Revere Middle School’s graduation the following day.
The much-anticipated resurfacing was postponed to June 16.
BUT, only the parking and bike lanes on the downhill side were resurfaced. The two car lanes were left untouched. L.A. City Bureau of Street Services returned a few days later to do the other side of the road, once again, leaving the center untouched.
I spoke to the workers and asked why they didn’t do the entire road because it has potholes, uneven pavement and cracks in the asphalt.
They said they wanted to do Temescal because it really needed it, but the work order did not include the entire road.
So now, the parking and bike lanes of Temescal are done, but the four lanes (and turn lane in the center) continues to deteriorate.
I asked Lisa Cahill when the center would be done, since this is one of only four access roads to the Palisades. She promised to check.
The Pacific Palisades Community Council’s mission is to improve the quality of life here.
Well, by golly, here’s their chance. Since they elected a slate of “experienced” officers, I suggest they tackle the streets in the Palisades.
I think this is an issue almost every Pacific Palisades resident can support. Take a photo of the street nearest you and send it to the PPCC, tell them you’re a taxpayer and you want your taxes to pay for street repairs.
Radcliffe Street between Gelson’s and Bowdoin has such bad cracks and pavement upheavals that residents didn’t need to install speed humps—we have “rogue” speed humps/bumps.
And the difference between a hump and a bump? According to My Parking Sign, humps are lower (3-4 inches high), and normally traffic remains moving at around 10-15 miles per hour. Bumps are wider, 3-6 inches high, and traffic speeds go to about to 0-5 miles per hour.
As a community service, I’ve contemplated painting a warning on the street “Caution ad-hoc speed bump ahead.”
If you’re one of the five or six people in town, who recently had a street repaved, then just go to Sunset or Chautauqua and take a photo there. Let’s give our local community council “elected” officials a chance to work on a project that has broad community support.