The photo from Enchanted Way shows the smoke and fire approaching that street. Although mandatory evacuations had not yet gone into effect for this street, residents should have a Go Bag ready.
Fire Emergency Kit or Go Bag Should Be Ready
← Fire Emergency Kit or Go Bag Should Be Ready
The photo from Enchanted Way shows the smoke and fire approaching that street. Although mandatory evacuations had not yet gone into effect for this street, residents should have a Go Bag ready.
® Sue Pascoe, Circling The News, Inc. and, 2017-2024. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Sue Pascoe, Circling The News, Inc. and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Hi Sue,
Great picture but scary memories. This is our home and hill. The fire fighters were in our Cul de Sac all that day and used our hill to climb up to Vista Grande. As you may know it was evacuated. Can’t praise them enough. We have sent a donation to our Fire Station. My husband has always felt that clearing the hill above us was very important even in the front too. Guess this proves his point. I think you met him when you were with Maryam Zar our next door neighbor.
Would it be possible to get a copy of this photo. Did you take it? Glad you are writing and started this Blog among others things. You’ve had an interesting journey. Thanks for all you do to cover our wonderful community. Cheers! Ritchie