Fill out FEMA Forms, NOW . . . . Discounts at Stores

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The Disaster Recovery Center on Pico is a place to register for FEMA.

Even if you have insurance, and you live in the Palisades Fire burn area, go to the Disaster Center at the Westside Pavilion and fill out FEMA forms, NOW. The center is open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days a week.

A reader wrote: “Have you done a story yet on FEMA fraud? I initially did not apply for FEMA because I felt that there were people more deserving. After all I had insurance.

“After prodding by friends, I applied only to find out some bad actor had already applied in my name. My story is not unique.”

The reader than spent hours on the phone with FEMA and then an in-person visit to try and make the change.

“I still was unable to get it rectified,” the reader said.

If you were in the Palisades Fire, please apply for FEMA, even if you have insurance. You may not receive FEMA money after the application is processed, but you are protecting yourself from someone else assuming your identity.

At the Community Council meeting on February 4, U.S. Representative Brad Sherman told those in attendance to “make a claim now.” He said the deadline for filing is March 10.

While you’re filing with FEMA, stop by and register with the Red Cross, too.



You may have seen this list of businesses that are committed to helping victims, compiled by the Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club.

CTN is including the link, but do not know the current status of the businesses and if they are still offering discounts click here.

It never hurts to call, many of us don’t know how long we’ll be in apartments before we are able to move back home – and if there will be enough money to cover the stay?


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2 Responses to Fill out FEMA Forms, NOW . . . . Discounts at Stores

  1. Bob Flick says:

    When I went to register with FEMA, they said the system showed that “I” had already applied. The FEMA rep said their system had already flagged the claim. She then filed a report and said that after I receive a letter from FEMA, I would be able to sign up for a legit claim.

  2. Camekco Webb says:

    Been waiting over 3 months for relief,for Hurricane Debby. Qualify for Direct Housing Still have not received that still waiting. House is unsafe to live in. Carrying 2 babies beyond term all baby items were destroyed n Now at risk for miscarrying. Fema inspector Discriminate lied on my application. I caught Fema inspector in a lie. She put a report like she inspected the property n Never inspected the property Julie Fraud Keep eye out for The FEMA Workers as Well.

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