Lutherans to Host a Musical Fundraiser Saturday

A benefit concert will be held Saturday to raise money to help send food to starving children.
Photo: Feed My Starving Children.
Palisades Lutheran Church Pastor Kenneth Davis, with the help of the community, was able to send 88,560 hand-packed meals to children in 2017 through the Feed My Starving Children program.
The packing event will again take place on June 20, and everyone is invited to help pack—but in the meantime, about $25,000 must be raised to host it.
“So far we have raised $8,000, so we need another $17,000 before June 1 to purchase all of the packing material,” Davis said.
The following sponsors have already made donations: Palisades Lutheran, Palisades Presbyterian, Corpus Christi Church, the Palisades Interfaith Council, the Palisades Optimist Club, American Legion Post 283 and La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church in Scottsdale, Arizona.
To help raise additional funds, a benefit concert will be held at 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 27, at the Lutheran Church, 15905 Sunset Blvd. There will be a variety of artists and musical styles–classical, country, pop and world music. Lutheran musical director Marshal Thompson has friends who have toured with artists around the country and has invited them to perform.
Admission ($25 for adults and $10 for students) includes snacks. Come listen to music and help raise the remainder of the money needed to support starving children.
If you cannot attend the concert you can still donate to help make the packing event possible.
Tickets can be purchased at the door or on the website: or by texting 310-818-7371. For more information, call (310) 459-2358.
Gas powered leaf blowers illegal??!!!
That law would really blow in my neck of the woods ( Midwest)!!
What a great way to spend a little time tomorrow afternoon (Saturday) and support Lutheran Pastor Davis in his “Feed My Children” effort.