FACT OR B.S. Police Are Not Responsive: Rusty Is Our Savior

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Circling the News received the following email, which is filled with inaccuracies, which brings us to “Fact or B.S.”

Captain Craig Heredia visiting Pacific Palisades.

The reader wrote last week: “We must tell Captain Heredia to bring back Rusty Redican! He was our best LAPD police officer and slo ever! This stuff, along with everything else, got handled with him here. Where are the cops? Where is our slo Brian Espin? On vacation again?

FACT: Redican was never a “SLO,” a senior lead officer. He was a member of the beach detail. He applied for the position of the SLO, but when he did not receive the position, he elected to leave the community. He could have stayed with the Pacific Palisades Beach Detail.

FACT: Senior Lead Officer Brian Espin is routinely in our community. One day, CTN saw him at the Palisades Rec Center on a Friday after school, trying to deter high school kids from “fighting.” A few hours later, he was at the fire along PCH. This morning, he was at the cleanup along Temescal Canyon Road. He releases the crime report weekly and responds to residents who call and email him.

The reader continued; “Fires, a woman was almost raped on the beach, a homeless man attacking people at West Channel with a knife, people being attacked in the post office, a home broke into two nights ago with Palisades people waiting 15 minutes for LAPD to get here. When are you going to write that we demand LAPD step up, Sue? Enough placating LAPD. We love cops, but the lack of service we have gotten is not right!

FACT: LAPD Cars in Los Angeles are assigned based on crime statistics. Pacific Palisades is considered a “low crime” area. There is a two-officer police unit assigned to the Pacific Palisades every day on a 12-hour shift and at night on a 12-hour shift.

LAPD Commanding Officer of the West Los Angeles Area Captain Craig Heredia said, that as a bare minimum, “we plan for 24-hour coverage in the Pacific Palisades.

“The Senior Lead Officer and the Beach Detail officers are additional personnel who are consistently present in the community,” Heredia said. “The Beach Detail is routinely deployed seven days per week, although there are times when we need to shift personnel into other parts of West LA and the city.”

FACT: There were two homeless people sleeping in the Post Office, but they did not attack the resident. The resident was worried that scenario might happen.

The reader continued; “How about Officer Espin actually get out in our community regularly and do his job? How about the task force demand LAPD step up like Rusty did for them the homeless and us? They said the hillsides were empty? They evidently are not.”

LAPD Officers and Volunteers on March 4 after Temescal Canyon cleanup.

FACT: The beach detail regularly patrols the hills. No sooner do they get one encampment cleared, than another pops up—which is why it is so important to keep the detail in the Palisades.

Homeless people moving to the Palisades and the continual attempts to keep them from camping in the hillside has nothing to do with a single patrol officer.

The reader concluded: “Rusty Redican! We need present police who care about our community! John Alle is right! It’s also about time we and PPCC advocate for our safety! I have Rusty’s card. I just sent him a message telling him we need him back!”

FACT: SLO Espin cares about the community and is here if you need him. Give him a chance, call him and meet with him. The Beach Detail work diligently. CTN is impressed with the way these people care for the community. This editor was part of a homeless cleanup at 7:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning along Temescal. The beach detail had cited three individuals for illegal camping and Espin was onsite to ensure volunteers were safe.

The reader asked, “By the way….Sue, can you find out any further information from LAPD on the guy who tried to rape that young woman? Do they have any leads? Anything?”

CTN reached out to Captain Heredia and he responded immediately: “Thank you for the message. The investigation is being handled by Detectives assigned to Operations-West Bureau’s Special Assault Section. The attempted sexual assault investigation remains ongoing, and it would be inappropriate for me to comment on the investigation, including any progress being made on the case.”

Heredia said he would check with the supervisor to see if there was any new information that could be shared with the public.

Senior Lead Officer Brian Espin, other LAPD members and California State Park Rangers discussed transients who might be camping in the park.


“Lastly, I have full confidence in SLO Brian Espin and the stellar work being done by him and the Beach Detail personnel,” Heredia said.

FACT or B.S. Police are not responsive and only Rusty can save us.



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10 Responses to FACT OR B.S. Police Are Not Responsive: Rusty Is Our Savior

  1. Jim McCashin says:

    Nicely done. Thanks.

  2. Paula H Deats says:

    Thanks for this, Sue. I miss Mike – but Espin is what we used to call “A Pip.” Quick but easy going…and yes, everywhere.

  3. BT says:

    Thank you clarifying 🙂

    You say contact SLO Brian Espin if necessary…. how do we do that?

    Thanks again,

  4. Michael Kahn says:

    Your Facts are BS. And everyone living in Pacific Palisades knows it. Everyone knows the difference between what was (with Rusty) and what is (now).

  5. Sue says:

    Senior Lead Officer Brian Espin’s number is (310) 444-0737 and his email is 37430@lapd.online.


  6. Sue says:


    Are you a member of the Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness? They are looking for volunteers. Once you’re in the field with these Palisades residents, you may get a different perspective. To volunteer, go to palisadeshomeless.org



  7. Peter Branch says:

    Rusty was everywhere. I’m sorry but I don’t see nearly the same interaction within our community as I observed when Officer Redican was on beach patrol. Why an officer with such passion/devotion for a community, with proven experience, and being so well liked by all local residents not get the nod for SLO is totally beyond me. He was a great fit and it was a win/win for all. Except maybe not a win for the department heads that may have been offended by Rusty’s relentless hard work.

  8. Sue says:


    In any business or organization there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes of which the public is not always aware. Rusty could have stayed on with the Beach detail and then tried again at a later date for one of the coveted SLO positions. Just because someone wants a promotion doesn’t automatically mean they are going to get it.


  9. J.A. says:

    There are predictably fireworks and vandalism occurring on both weekend nights in the Palisades Recreation Center, with no police patrol to be found. Recently a trash can was lit on fire and ignited surrounding plantings. On the one occasion LAPD was present to witness the crime being committed, Officer Rodriguez shrugged, allowed the minor to speed away, and explained to us, “it’s not the crime of the century.” SLO Espin has expressed a similar lack of concern over the vandalism and fireworks, telling us over and over to call the police hotline and report it (which results in nothing). One of these days, when the conditions are right, one of these fireworks will ignite a fire in the park. We’ve given up trying to find a solution with LAPD. We are entirely reliant on private security.

  10. Rusty Redican says:

    This piece did NOT age well! Feel free to reach out now to offer an olive branch and get “The Rest Of The Story”! IE the truth, that Jon Tom, Craig Heredia, Scott Alpert and Brian Espin neglected to tell you! And that you didn’t have the journalistic drive to reach out and ask me at the time.

    They were outright dishonest with you on much of it, and showed a managerial incompetence and malevolence, that I would gladly go on the record with!

    I would be lying if I did not admit that I was extremely disappointed in you and CTN. Specifically for allowing those dishonest, inept and malevolent LAPD Managers to use you and your forum to besmirch my name and all I did for the Great People of the Pacific Palisades. You know very well just how much you all meant, and still mean to me personally!

    They along with the West LA SLO Officers were inexplicably jealous of the, then ironclad working relationship and success we all had as a Team…. They created an hostile and retaliatory work place that I simply could not stay at. I owed it to my family to leave a toxic environment.

    I don’t know if I still have your proper Cell number… but I will send you an “Open Mic” from two of the Senior Lead Officers, that will briefly illuminate what professional jealousy, from extremely lazy Officers, that I had to deal with.

    I think you know…. I have been gone since 2021… But still answer my phone for Palisades People, and solve any problems I can for you.

    I did not deserve, the negative columns allowed to be presented about me.

    Rusty Redican
    LAPD Ret.

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