DWP Takes Over the Rec Center

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The small gym at the Recreation Center has been turned into an office building.

While accompanying photographer Rich Schmitt to document the many buildings and blocks of businesses lost during the Palisades Fire, we looked in the small gym at the Recreation Center,  851 Alma Real. It had been carpeted and divided into numerous small cubicles.

Today, DWP in a press release wrote “LADWP Opens Unified Utilities Rebuild Operations Center for Palisades Community.”

According to DWP,  customers impacted by the Palisades Fire can directly access LADWP services to help them rebuild, turn on and off water and power services, and receive answers to billing questions.

Supposedly other utility services provided by corporate and government partners will also offer one-stop services at the center. Initially, Karen Bass had said that City services such as permits and building would be located at the Rec Center, she had not mentioned utilities.

DWP noted that “The outside areas of the recreation center suffered fire damage, but LADWP construction crews, engineers and architects have transformed the gym into a local, full-service rebuild operations center. The center will be open Monday through Sunday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. On-site parking is available.

Interestingly enough, porta potties were added in front of the playground, so that people would not have to use the ADA inaccessible bathrooms at the Rec Center. A large utility tower was added so that Wifi is now available. There was no mention if heat had been finally added to the Rec Center, built in the 1950s. (Red Cross was unable to use it as an evacuation center last fall because of the lack of heat.)

At the February 18 meeting there had been no discussion between Rec and Parks, the Palisades Park Advisory Board and Mayor Karen Bass’ advisor Steve Soboroff, about turning the park into an industrial center. DWP did not present at that meeting.

Board member Rob Weber at the end of the two-hour meeting said, that everyone had heard Soborff say that “opening the park is the most important thing.”

Weber said that “leadership to rebuilding the park will have to come from the Park Advisory Board.”

One of the biggest questions was “How soon can the park be reopened to kids?”

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2 Responses to DWP Takes Over the Rec Center

  1. Rich Wilken says:

    Who do we contact at the DWP Rec. Center field office to ask about the removal of DWP coiled cables, metal brackets and burnt fiberglass utility pole cross members left on our lot now that the Corps has finished clearing our property? I want to be able to begin preparing my lot for rebuilding my house but have leftover DWP debris that needs to be removed.

  2. Sue says:


    I would go to the Rec Center and inquire. If no one comes to remove them, send me a photo and I’ll run it with the February letter they just sent out telling us that “Our thoughts go out to everyone affected by the wildfires, and we want to reassure you that we are here to help.”


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