Bonin Needs to Nominate DRB Replacements

Councilman Mike Bonin, who was photographed at the Potrero ground breaking is responsible for appointed Design Review Board members.
(Editor’s note: The Design Review Board (DRB) is a Los Angeles City-appointed, seven-member committee that meets twice monthly to examine proposed signage and buildings in the Palisades business district. The DRB observes the Brown Act and ensures that local commercial development follows the Specific Plan. The letter below was sent to Councilman Mike Bonin. Circling the News contacted Bonin’s spokesperson David Graham-Caso for a response but has not yet received one. If CTN receives one, we’ll update readers.)
January 24, 2019
Dear Councilmember Bonin,
I would like to bring to your immediate attention that the Pacific Palisades Design Review Board does not have a full board. Last year, two members termed out and an additional member will complete his term as of this February, leaving a total of four members on the Board.
The attrition of members creates a difficult burden upon the Board and does not give the applicant or community sufficient expertise and breath of discussion on pending projects.
Per Los Angeles Municipal Code 16.50 the Design Review Board shall consist of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 voting members. Members of the DRB shall be appointed by the
Councilmember of the council district in which the specific plan is located.
I know our City Planning liaison, Kenton Trinh, has contacted your office three times; Barbara Kohn, past DRB Chair, David Hibbert, Vice President and Kelly Comras, past Secretary have
contacted your office over the last year to request additional members for the DRB Board.
The Board must reflect a broad spectrum of the community representing residents and local, individual businesses owners, but without financial or business conflict of interests. It would therefore be a severe conflict of interest if any member of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce were to be considered as a potential DRB member.
There are numerous individuals in the community who would be highly qualified. Among the most prominent would be Maryam Zar, Chair Emeritus of the Palisades Community Council, Winston Chappell, Architect & Vice President of the Pacific Palisades Civic League and David Card, Horticulturist.
I hope you can understand this urgency and quickly fill the vacant positions on the Pacific Palisades Design Review Board.
Thank you for your attention and prompt action to this request.
Donna Vaccarino, AIA
Chair, Pacific Palisades Design Review Board
The Palisades Design Review Board now meets at the YMCA building on Via de la Paz at 6 p.m. Check its website for meeting information.