Danson and Steenburgen Soon to be Back on TV  

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Ted Danson plays the Los Angeles Mayor in a new NBC comedy series that premieres January 7.                               Photo: NBC


Special to Circling the News

If you don’t happen to run into Palisadian couple Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen here in town, it’s guaranteed you will be able to see them early next year on TV.

They’ll both be on NBC, Channel 4, in separate shows.

Coming off his successful series, “The Good Place,” Danson’s new show, “Mr. Mayor,” starts Thursday, January 7. This comedy was created by “Saturday Night Live” and “30 Rock” alumna Tina Fey and her producing partner, Robert Carlock.

As “Mr. Mayor,” Danson plays a retired businessman who runs for mayor of Los Angeles to prove to his teenaged daughter, played by Kyla Kenedy, that he’s still relevant.

And then he wins. Now he has to prove to residents and to himself he can do what’s right for the City. That’s once he figures out what he stands for.

You can’t have a workplace comedy without a nemesis. In “Mr. Mayor,” it’s a longtime councilwoman with a clear understanding of civic government, played by a serious Holly Hunter.

Last year Danson told Circling the News that Tina Fey originally planned for “Mr. Mayor” to film in New York since that’s her base. But he wanted it on the West Coast so he could be with his family, specifically his wife, Mary Steenburgen. So, the show is set in L.A. and films in L.A.

Steenburgen’s series, “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist,” usually films in Vancouver. “Zoey” returns for its second season Tuesday, January 5.

Like the other cast members, as Zoey’s mom, Steenburgen every-so-often sings a pop tune that expresses her thoughts. But only Zoey can hear these songs.

Last season, the storyline had Zoey’s dad, played by Peter Gallagher, die from a condition where his body became less and less mobile but his mind remained active. That makes Steenburgen’s character a widow in season 2.

Both “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist” and “Mr. Mayor” are considered “family entertainment” since NBC has positioned each show at 8 p.m. – “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist” on Tuesdays and “Mr. Mayor” on Thursdays, beginning the first week in January.

The cast of ‘Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist’ includes Pacific Palisades resident Mary Steenburgen.            Courtesy: NBC.






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