The 2022 June graduation was the first full one at Palisades High School since the Covid pandemic shutdowns. Community members are sought to help set school policies.
Photo: Circling the News
The Pacific Palisades Charter High School, a fiscally independent charter high school, is governed by a 12- member board of trustees. The Board consists of faculty, classified members, a student, parents and community members.
A special election is now being held to fill two open Community Seats. One position is year-long term and the second is a two-year commitment.
The major roles and responsibilities of the board include approving all major educational and operational policies, approving all major contracts, approving the annual budget and overseeing fiscal management, and selecting, hiring, evaluating, and when necessary, replacing top administrators and managers.
If a resident does not have a child at the school, but still feels the importance of public education, this is an opportunity to make a difference. By being on the board, residents can help set policies that will help 1) develop a productive workforce; 2) create an informed citizenry; and 3) provide for social mobility.
To qualify, you are not and will not become the parent of a PCHS student for the entire term of the seat. One must reside in a community served by the high school and candidates will need to give an address to verify qualification.
It is preferred that community candidates have experience and expertise in areas that include: education, law, finance, and/or fundraising. A candidate statement (100 words or less), and a current headshot are also sought. The deadline to apply is AUGUST 12, by noon.
To read the complete rules, visit. click here.
Email information to Karen Cox: kcox@palihigh.org.
The name of the school does not include the word “Pacific.” It is officially Palisades Charter High School.