To Discuss Upgrades Planned for Canyon School
A community meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, at Canyon Elementary School, 421 Entrada Dr., in Santa Monica Canyon.
According to the Notice of Exemption filed on February 2018, the project will include the removal of four portable buildings containing seven classrooms and one permanent building with two kindergarten classrooms. These classrooms will be replaced by construction of a new building with nine classrooms (three kindergarten and six general).
The project will include underground utility work; installation of temporary interim classrooms; Americans with Disabilities Act compliance; expanded parking at Canyon; and restoration of landscape, hardscape and playground areas (after construction).
There are negligible increases in enrollment planned upon the completion of this project. Canyon Elementary, originally founded in 1894, is not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and the California Register of Historic Resources.
At the meeting, the project, the timeline, including construction phases and schedules (days and hours) and the design update for the permanent building will be presented.
Questions, comments and concerns will be taken at the meeting. Contact: Community Relations Ashely Mercado at (213) 241-3922 or by