Author Lisa Goldenthal Speaks about Diet and Activity at Rotary Club Meeting

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Lisa Goldenthal, the best-selling author of “The Boss Weight Loss: Permanent Weight Loss in Six Easy Steps,” spoke at the Palisades Rotary Club breakfast meeting on January 9.

“I’m in my 50s,” said the lithe Goldenthal. “I don’t want to subscribe to the idea that your body has to fall apart as you age. I don’t believe in that.”

Goldenthal, who said she’s been on lots of diet, explained that one of her secrets to weight loss has been the timing of meals with low-carb eating.

The developer of the “Lisa G’s Skinny Jeans Workout” DVD, which was featured in Target stores 10 years ago, said that by eating a low-carb diet, people lose weight, insulin levels drop and human growth hormone goes up.

According to the American Heart Association, one in three U.S. children and teens are now considered overweight or obese. Obesity is linked to rising U.S. rates of dozens of chronic illnesses and conditions, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Goldenthal said, “The problems with obesity started when our country decided that fats were bad, and carbs were good.”

The original food pyramid, which has been around since the late 1970s, had the carbohydrate group at the bottom and recommended 6-11 servings per day. At the top was the fat group, which everyone was supposed to avoid.

One Rotarian asked, If the food pyramid was so bad, why did the government put it out? Goldenthal said the government did not understand nutrition – and a second Rotarian pointed out that many times there are strong lobbies that work to implement government policies.

Goldenthal urged people to read labels. “If it’s low in fat, it might be high in sugar or carbohydrates or be a processed food. The truth is, eating fat does not make you fat.

“I’m getting great results,” said Goldenthal, who explained that in addition to a low-carb diet, she also does follows a dietary pattern that provides regular short-term fasts. “I love the 16/8-hour fast.”

In her book, she explains that each person is different, but what has worked for her is “I skip breakfast every day and eat during an eight-hour feeding window, such as from noon to 8 p.m.”

When she’s not fasting, she doesn’t overeat, and eschews processed or calorie-dense food. “I’ve been on a low-carb diet for the past 10 years,” she said.

She also advised everyone to drink lots of water. Often people think they are hungry, but it is actually just one’s body saying it’s thirsty.

Goldenthal passed out a sheet titled “Intermittent Fasting for Dummies” and explained that when one wakes up, for the first six hours of the day, one does not consume calories, only black coffee or water. In the next eight hours, one eats all of one’s calories, and in the last 10 hours, it’s water, tea and sleep – no calories.

Asked about exercising, Goldenthal said she used to run marathons, but “I don’t think you have to exercise like a mad person to lose weight. We should all be aiming for 150 minutes of exercise weekly, and as we age, walking is one of the best activities for our bodies.”

“Working out is essential to everyone,” she said,    noting that activity elevate mood, brings greater focus, provides more energy and helps us age better.

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Consequences of Obesity:

According to the American Heart Association, obesity is linked to:

Diabetes: An imbalanced diet and a lack of exercise can cause insulin resistance and full-fledged type 2 diabetes. Like obesity, the rate of diabetes have risen nearly 70 percent since 1995.

Cardiovascular disease: This disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and obesity is the leading risk factor. In 2007, one-quarter, of all U.S. deaths were from heart disease.

Cancer: A close second behind heart disease as the leading cause of death in America, obesity contributes to many types of cancer. In fact, weight gain and obesity are considered a contributing factor in 20 percent of new cancer diagnosis.

Depression: Numerous studies have suggested a link between depression, obesity, and weight gain, especially among children.

Reproduction: Research indicate obesity reduces fertility rates and increases the chance of miscarriage in pregnant women.

Respiratory disease: Sleep apnea and obesity hypoventilation syndrome are more common in overweight individuals, as is asthma.

Cognitive health: Neurologist have identified a link between obesity and cognitive decline, including memory loss and thinking skills.

Musculoskeletal disorders: Obesity is a leading cause of a arthritic pain, injuries, and atrophy in muscles and joints, often in the knee, ankle, foot, and shoulder.


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