Local Recycling Effort, Bottles for Babies, Will Shut Down on August 31
Francesca Chase, who started a recycling program called Bottles for Babies, will cease its operation on August 31. “It is with heavy heart I announce that due to the complex nature of Covid-19, Bottles for Babies will stop accepting donations of plastic bottles and aluminum cans,” she said. “If you have donations for us, please deliver them promptly to 524 Via de La Paz.”
Over the past year, Chase was able to collect about 40,000 plastic bottles and aluminum cans.
If a resident is interested in volunteering, “We can use your help sorting bottles and cans in September,” Chase said. “We look forward to resuming our community project and will keep you posted as to when that will happen. Thank you to each and every one of you who participated. Our donations assisted many families in the West Los Angeles area.”
Chase, a lifelong Palisadian and a realtor at Keller Williams Palisades Luxury International, started her volunteer efforts on July 4, 2019, by placing boxes at more than six locations around the Palisades Village (she had discovered that the bottles at the Palisades Recreation Center and even the recycling bins located on the streets are not recycled).
Her two-fold program included recycling bottles and using that money to purchase food and diapers for the Westside Food Bank.
In an earlier story on Circling the News, Chase said, “I started Bottles for Babies when I learned that there are about 2,000 babies in urgent need of food and diapers and I knew I had to do something. I know what it is like to struggle as a single parent and have a baby depending on you.”
Even though Chase is no longer recycling bottles, she encourages residents to continue the practice by putting those containers in the blue recycling bin or by taking them to recycling centers. (Editor’s note: A list of local recycling centers can be found at: bottles4babies.com.) Chase said that for articles about recycling during the pandemic, visit: LAist.com.
Chase can be contacted at (310)359-5927 or BY email: FrancescaChase@kw.com. She also invites people to stop by her office at 845 Via de la Paz to enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee. (Estate Coffee is located on the ground floor.) She reminds everyone, “Rethink, reduce, reuse, recycle!”
City’s Jack-in-the-Box Hearing Set for August 27
A City Planning Commission hearing will be held via Zoom at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 27, regarding 17346 Sunset Blvd. (the Jack-in-the-Box site). The meeting can be heard by dialing (213) 621-2489 OR (818) 904-9450. The meeting can also be accessed by (https://planning-lacity-org.zoom.us/j/95672718382) AND USE MEETING ID: 956 7271 8382.)
Members of the public who wish to watch the meeting and offer public comment to the City Planning Commission can either access the link located above or call (669) 900-9128 and use Meeting ID No. 956 7271 8382 and then press #. Press # again when prompted for participant.
There are several items on the hearing agenda.
City Planning describes this project as the demolition of an existing vacant commercial structure (fast-food restaurant) and the construction of a five-story, 60-ft-high, 32,225-sq.ft. mixed-use building comprised of 39 dwelling units (four units restricted to Very Low Income Households) and 2,900 square feet of ground floor commercial uses. The Project will include 49 parking spaces located in one subterranean level, at grade, and in one above-grade parking level. The Project includes the construction of one new retaining wall, 11,500 cubic yards of grading, and a haul route for the export of 10,700 cubic yards of earth. (Visit: https://planning.lacity.org/about/commissions-boards-hearings).
Any additional written comments on the project can be forwarded to the City Planning Commission via email (cpc@lacity.org) with Nick Vasuthasawat (nick.vasuthasawat@lacity.org) and Jordann Turner (jordann.turner@lacity.org) cc’d in the correspondence.
Business Block Building Hearing at the DRB Is Postponed Until September 23

The Business Block Building owner wants to spruce up the building with paint, new lighting, signs and different awnings.
The Design Review Board meeting, initially scheduled for late August, has been moved to September 23, subject to the submission of revised materials regarding the historic Business Block Building (known as “the pink building).