Adopt a Dog: 8 Rescued from a Kill Shelter

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These are four of the eight dogs that were on the “kill list” because they had not been adopted. They were rescued from the shelter and now the pooches need homes.

Westside Current Editor Jamie Paige traveled to Riverside County and rescued eight dogs that were on the euthanasia list.

She worked with the rescue Bella Vita to save the canines that had been put in a shelter because of a hoarding situation. Paige said the animals are timid and need special TLC.

The dogs also need homes.

“They are sweet, but very scared,” Paige wrote, noting that they took them out of Devore, which is one of the highest kill shelters in the nation. “It’s incredible that we live in California, where we let the homeless people die on the street and kill homeless dogs in shelters.”

Paige said she learned of Devore, when she was doing research for a story about crowded shelters and that name kept coming up.

If a resident can adopt one of these small dogs or knows of someone who is looking for a dog, please contact Paige at

These dogs were rescued and need homes.

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