This is the Tramonto Bulkhead that Kalberg refers to: her friend Cindi Young’s home was on the land to the far right.
(Editor’s note: residents of Castellammare were among the first allowed to be returned to their neighborhood on January 22. Other residents had to wait until January 27 before they were allowed to return.)
Yesterday, I returned to my home in Castellamare for the first time since the fire. As I drove up Tramonto Drive I saw the rubble that was once the condos, the address in the middle of the rubble.
But my heart completely shattered when I reached the bulkhead and saw the ruins of my BFF and my Co-President of PPTFH [Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness], Cindi Young’s home. I had to pull over to weep. How many hundreds of hours have I spent in that house with Cindi and her puppy, Missy? How many meals have I eaten in Cindi’s cozy kitchen? How many hours have Cindi and I spent in her office working on our beloved PPTFH? Too many!
When I arrived at my house I could hardly believe the green notice posted saying there was minimal damage. As I threw the door open, I was assaulted by the smell of smoke and all the ashes. But my house is standing and there is no fire damage. It was clear that we did have firefighters in the neighborhood. They threw our gas barbecue grill and propane tanks into our pool; they put out the fire that burned our front hedge.
We opened all the doors, and the first order of business was cleaning out our freezer and refrigerator. Phew! We had to throw out so much. Just the morning of the fire I had been to Ralphs to get the fixings for my mom’s recipe for tortilla soup!
As the day progressed, neighbors stopped by to check on us, share a hug and, yes, tears were shed. And, in shock that somehow miraculously, our homes survived. Firemen arrived to check on us, workers from the gas company and lovely workers from the Red Cross gave us protective gear.
I have never taken for granted the fact that I live in the Palisades. Castellamare is magical from its mountain and ocean views to the Porto Marina Bridge that leads to the beach. When we were through getting some clothing we drove through the neighborhood. The destruction is heartbreaking. As I drove by destroyed homes I said to my husband, oh God! Not so and so’s house!
And I’m one of the lucky ones.
I weep for you, Sue Kohl, Cindi and so many of my friends from Corpus Christi. The destruction of our church is unbearable.
This is unbelievable and AWFUL, AWFUL, AWFUL.
Oh no, not the tortilla soup!! Give me a break. Have some perspective on what your “friends” and neighbors have lost. everything. and then… rethink what you think is gone, and realize it is nothing compared to their everthing.