Letter: Resident Points Out City Does Not Own Beaches

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Hon. Eric Garcetti, Mayor, City of Los Angeles
Hon. Nury Martinez, President, Los Angeles City Council
Hon. Mark Ridley-Thomas, Chair, City Council Homelessness & Poverty Committee (HPC)
Hon. Kevin de León, Hon. Joe Buscaino, Hon. Monica Rodriguez & Hon. Nithya Raman, Members, HPC
Hon. Mike Bonin, Councilmember, CD 11

City Council File 21-0350

OPPOSE use of public state beach parking lots and parks for emergency shelters
This is submitted to the file with the request it be included in the record:
Re: Motion 21-0350 (Bonin, Ridley-Thomas) to evaluate various locations for temporary emergency shelters for the homeless including Will Rogers State Beach, Dockweiler parking lot, and parks within CD 11.

Los Angeles City does not own the beach land. Los Angeles City does not have jurisdiction over the beach land. Ownership of the land belongs to the State of California for public access, recreation and beach purposes and for the convenience of the general public in the use and enjoyment of the property. The unique circumstances of Will Rogers State Beach and Dockweiler State Beach have been protected by and for the public since the early 1930’s as documented in news clippings (available upon request).

I urge you to amend Motion 21—0350 by removing from consideration the two state beach
parking lots and Los Angeles City Parks within CD11.

Please add my name to city file 21-0350,

Submitted by Barbara Kohn May 11, 2021

(Editor’s note: Kohn also noted her volunteer experience with Pacific Palisades and the City: President emeritus, Pacific Palisades Residents Association, established 1958
Pacific Palisades Design Review Board Member (for ID purposes only): President Pacific Palisades historical society (for ID purposes only): President Pacific Palisades Community Council (for ID purposes only 2012 – 2014) and RVNOC Prop K rep, Central, north of 10 (for ID purposes only, 2006 – 2019.)


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2 Responses to Letter: Resident Points Out City Does Not Own Beaches

  1. Stephen Pierson Dickey says:

    The beach now known as Dockweiler State Beach was referred to as Moonstone Beach up until the 1930’s. It was leased to the City of Los Angeles by the State of California in 1946. The official name was Venice-Hyperion Beach State Park and it was renamed Isidore B. Dockweiler State Beach in January 1955 in honor of the prominent lawyer and civic leader.

    The beach has been operated by the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors for the City of Los Angeles since 1976.

  2. Sue says:


    Thanks. Yes, Dockweiler does not belong to the City. There is a history of all the California Beaches and specifically for Dockweiler visit: https://beaches.lacounty.gov/dockweiler-beach/


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